Saugatuck CVB
The Official Saugatuck and Douglas Convention & Visitors Bureau website.
Saugatuck’s Mayor Welcomes You
A welcome letter from the Mayor of Saugatuck.
Allegan County
Saugatuck is located in Allegan County.
Saugatuck/Douglas Area Business Association
The Best Things in Life are Saugatuck/Douglas.
Discover Douglas
Information about the Saugatuck/Douglas area.
Saugatuck Library
Don’t forget to visit the local library.
The Commercial Record
The Commercial Record News has proudly served the Saugatuck/Douglas area since 1869.
The Observer Newspapers
Considered among the best weekly publications in Michigan.
The Holland Sentinel
Daily news since 1896.
Mason Street Warehouse
An uptown theatre in downtown Saugatuck.
Saugatuck Center for the Arts
Visit the new art center in Saugautuck.
Waterfront Film Festival
One of the top film festivals in the US is in Saugatuck, Michigan.
Tower Marina / Saugatuck Yacht Service
Two Marinas with full service department, transient mooring and launching ramp.
Patrick Murphy Homes, LLC
Saugatuck Custom Builder — the renovation team of Wicks Park Bar & Grille!
Saugatuck Second Homes
Pat and Pam Murphy: Saugatuck/Douglas area Realtors